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 Nina White and BlackStar

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Posts : 2369
Join date : 2010-08-07
Age : 29
Location : am in wonderland stealing your ice cream!

Character Bio
Nina White and BlackStar Left_bar_bleue10000/10000Nina White and BlackStar Empty_bar_bleue  (10000/10000)
Power Ability Level:
Nina White and BlackStar Left_bar_bleue15000/15000Nina White and BlackStar Empty_bar_bleue  (15000/15000)

Nina White and BlackStar Empty
PostSubject: Nina White and BlackStar   Nina White and BlackStar EmptySun Nov 20, 2011 2:39 am

Nina White and BlackStar 631178


Name: Nina White

Nicknames: Nina

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Age: 18

Race: Witch


Eye Color: silver

Hair Color: white

Height: 5 foot 3

Weight: 108

Markings: anything on his/her body like tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.

Apparel: she likes nice clothes. its even better if their cute. she almost always wheres her hat(her outfits normally looks like the one in the pic..)


Personality: She very shy and timid when you first meet her. but as she gets to know adn trust you she becames more open. She can get very hyper and excited and her powers are more powerful at night. she loves candy. she can get used very easily when you first meet her. she very kind hearted and will believe what people say because she trys to see the best in everyone. she gets scared very easily. her feelings get hurt very easily also, if you yell at her or glare tears will swell up in her eyes. she acts like a little kid sometimes, but she will be serious when she needs to be. she can be very random sometimes. she very outgoing though also she looks spunky and strongwilled when she really isnt.


Likes: candy

Dislikes: rude people

Special Ability: all elements

Weapon: staff


Parents/Guardians: Mother

Siblings: none

Hometown: small village

Birthday: March 1

History: Nina learned magic at a very young age. her mother teached her everything. she was very sheltered. she was always picked on by the kids at school because of how easily scared she got. Nina tried to ingore them like her mother told her to but she would always end up in tears. She was used often at school. kids would trick her into doing their homework and other things. She finally left home with her cat. Her mother was sad that she was leaving but understood why.


Nina White and BlackStar 403479


Name: BlackStar


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Age: 19

Race: Neko


Eye Color: dark blue

Hair Color: Blue(black as a cat)

Height: 5 foot 2

Weight: 105

Markings: anything on his/her body like tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.

Apparel: she normally wears a chocker that has a bell at the end. she likes cute outfits like the one in the pic


Personality: she spunky and stubborn. she speaks her mind. she very loving and caring. she loves her owner Nina. she normal trys keep her safe. she loves to joke. she can take a punch. she will fight when threated. she does what she want when she wants. she a good person she nice and sweet. though she can be rude at times.

Habits: watching Nina

Likes: joking around

Dislikes: people who make nina cry

Special Ability: one or none. you must register this in the power section

Weapon: her claws


Parents/Guardians: was a stray


Hometown: an alley then ninas house

Birthday: May 12

History: she was a stray until nina found her. she got seperated from her mother and father. she was taken in by another person before nina. they threw her out becuase they got bored of her. she loves to mess with nina since the begining. she never really got to learn her parents. shes very protective over nina. she looks after her like a parent. (i hope u this is enough. i cant think of anything else)

Last edited by Berrysoul on Sun May 12, 2013 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Nina White and BlackStar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nina White and BlackStar   Nina White and BlackStar EmptyWed May 09, 2012 2:31 am

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Posts : 2369
Join date : 2010-08-07
Age : 29
Location : am in wonderland stealing your ice cream!

Character Bio
Nina White and BlackStar Left_bar_bleue10000/10000Nina White and BlackStar Empty_bar_bleue  (10000/10000)
Power Ability Level:
Nina White and BlackStar Left_bar_bleue15000/15000Nina White and BlackStar Empty_bar_bleue  (15000/15000)

Nina White and BlackStar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nina White and BlackStar   Nina White and BlackStar EmptyWed May 09, 2012 3:16 am

thanks! hyper
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